36-year-old ‘mom archer’ Ki Bo-bae’s ‘End and Beginning’


Hello, this is Ki Bo-bae, an archer. Nice to meet you.

Q. ‘Archery Lecture’ at Seoul National University in the new semester?

I have not yet been notified that I have been finally hired by Seoul National University, and the motivation for applying is that I have a strong desire to become an educator after retirement…

Q. The competition rate for course registration is 10:1?

(The reason why the interest in the class is high is not because of archery, but because of Ki Bo-bae?)

Hahahaha I think that the students in school might be the students of the era who are well aware of the 2012 and 2016 Olympics through TV,

Q. What would you most like to teach students?

I want to develop patience for those who want to achieve results in a short time or easily, and I hope that the reason why I included a group exhibition in the syllabus is that it will be a time to be considerate of others and develop altruism…

Q. As a player, what is your goal this year?

this year? (Is there an Asian Games this year?) That’s right. Since I was eliminated from the national team in 2018, I haven’t been able to return to the national team yet. Even if I retire, my goal is to wear the Taegeuk mark one last time and retire.

(You’re not planning on retiring this year, are you?)

Actually, I’m going to exercise until this year and then stop..

(Isn’t there an Olympics next year?)

Because that’s not as easy as it sounds. It’s really hard..

(What was the hardest?)

Fighting with myself. Archery is as successful as what I did, right? Unless you have a natural temperament, you really have to give up everything to survive in archery in Korea. Really..

Q. What did you give up for archery?

youth? Because I spent all my youth doing archery.. There are things you can do in your 20s. Actually, I want to go shopping with my friends, go to delicious restaurants… It’s a daily life.. I was always stressed out at the time when I had to enter the athlete’s village, and if that was a little difficult, I think it was difficult.

Q. Why are you still challenging yourself?

I am the oldest (active) player. On the other hand, there are times when I feel depressed. My skills aren’t as good as in the past, so I’m thinking that maybe I’m gaining my place, but on the other hand, I want to become a long-lived player like that precious older sister to these young friends, or I want to continue archery to the end even after giving birth to a child. I am doing my best so that I can become an exemplary senior.

Q. What is the one word that raised Ki Bo-bae from ‘Hard Times’?

When I was preparing for the Rio Olympics, I think the winter training season at that time was the most difficult before three athletes said they were going (to the Olympics). When I measure records with the players, I always come in last… If you look at the athlete’s village, the Korea Sports Council gives you a calendar. But one day, I tore up a page of the calendar, and there were words written on it. ‘Pour out everything inside of you, sweat you won’t regret’. So I think I overcame the difficult moments by repeating it in my head while saying that I really like this phrase. Q. It is certain that good days will come

to someone who is going through a difficult time . 스포츠토토

Even though it’s such a hard time that I have to give up what I have, one day a good day will come. I really want to tell you this. I think I have been loved by many people while doing archery. I will do my best to show you a better image with the mindset that I must repay the remaining time. Please support us a lot.

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