“Director Renard accepted the conditions, but the association ignored, · · decided to use Hong Myung-bo as a script already made.”


Regarding the process of appointing the national team coach by the Korea Football Association, a representative of a sports agency claimed, “It seemed that there was already a script set.”

Jeon Pietro, who introduced himself as the CEO of JP Sports Group, posted on his social network service (SNS) on the 18th, saying, “I sincerely want to convey what happened in the process of appointing a Korean soccer coach,” adding that there was something unsavory in the process of the association contacting coach Erber Renard for the appointment of the national team.

“Coach Renard waited until the end for the association’s reply,” Jeon said. “However, I was deeply shocked by the association’s rude handling, and in the end, there was an uncomfortable situation where I had no choice but to apologize to coach Renard.”

Renard, who previously led the African national team, including Zambia, Angola, Ivory Coast and Morocco, was appointed as the head coach of the Saudi Arabian national team in 2019.

When he put Saudi Arabia in the World Cup finals in Qatar, he was once again praised as a master, and set the record for the most wins (18 wins) by a foreign coach in history.

Coach Renard, who is set to expire after the 2024 Paris Olympics with the French Football Association, has been named as a candidate for the next Korean national team head coach. The association also kept an eye on Renard, but the meeting was reportedly canceled as Renard requested a change of venue ahead of the face-to-face interview, saying that there was a situation.

In this regard, the former CEO refuted, saying, “Despite accepting all conditions, including salaries and living conditions, the association ignored them,” adding, “False facts about director Renard spread through the media.”

In addition, Jeon said, “The appointment of Hong Myung-bo was decided like a script already drawn up before leaving the country, and the association’s opaque administrative procedures were so disappointing,” adding, “I also proposed to Lee Im-saeng, chairman of the Korea Football Association’s technology development committee, to meet Luis de la Fuente, who won the Euro Spain title, but I didn’t even receive a response.”

In addition, Jeon said, “The coach who won the Euro national team will receive 900 million won, and Hong Myung-bo will receive a larger amount of money in the end,” adding, “The strange administration, the Korea Football Association, which does not notify the list even after requesting the list through the official channel, seems to be a place to foster fear.”

At the same time, CEO Jeon said, “At a time when clubs cannot grow on their own income and do not record a surplus even if they receive budgets from local governments, what kind of soccer is the association that takes over the coach of the league, let alone cooperation for the development of the league?” and added, “Don’t you feel sorry for the national soccer players?” 메이저놀이터

Jeon also explained the reason for the revelation, saying, “I sincerely hope for the development of Korean soccer,” adding, “I’m not the chairman of a large company, but I’m trying to correct the law by telling the truth.”

Meanwhile, suspicions surrounding the appointment of Hong Myung-bo will be addressed at the National Assembly’s parliamentary audit on the 24th. On the 5th, the National Assembly’s stylistic committee voted on an agenda requiring Hong and Chung Mong-kyu, chairman of the Korea Football Association, to attend.

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