Hong Myung-bo, full-fledged tactical training in preparation for Oman…Lee Kang-in interview + Aroso coach to lead


Hong Myung-bo, full-filled tactical training for Oman… Lee Kang-in interview + Aroso coach to lead Hong Myung-bo, who had his first training session at Al Shiv Stadium in Shiv, Oman on the 7th after entering Oman on the 6th, began his second training session at the same venue on the 8th.

An official of the national team hinted, “The full-fledged tactical training will begin today,” and it was actually conducted that way. Unlike a day before the entire training was disclosed, the training was also disclosed to reporters for 15 minutes on the day.

Coach Hong Myung-bo had the players gather around the center circle before the training, and made a speech to encourage the direction of the training and the players’ minds. Team Korea also responded and kicked off the training in earnest.

The players divided into groups and warmed up with jogging and sprinting. Training was conducted in a positive atmosphere with cries of “good.” Coach Hong Myung-bo was also seen calling Lee Kang-in separately and talking for a while. 메이저사이트

Tactical training centered on coach João Aroso, newly appointed by head coach Hong Myung-bo, and in the released part, Aroso emphasized pass and move, and the players followed it and created a threatening scene.

Team Korea’s national team Hong Myung-bo has only one official press conference and one training session left before the match against Oman on Tuesday. Attention is focusing on whether they will prepare well and show good performance.

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