“If Lee Chun-soo plays now, we need to see the wingback.” Lee Chun-soo answered the national team’s generational change theory


There is an urgent need for a generational change of national wingback.

Soccer player Lee Chun-soo mentioned the generational change of the national team in a video released on his YouTube channel on the 9th. In particular, left and right wingbacks were selected as the most urgent position for generational change.

Lee said, “I talk about sidebacks as the most important position. We have to be strong in offense and defense. We used to focus on defense, but now we have to be strong in offense and defense. However, it is hard for a player to have two things. It is hard for a calm person to be aggressive. That is wingback.”

Commentator Jang Ji-hyun said, “If Lee Chun-soo plays now, we have to see the wingback. That’s because the wingback’s offensive power is emphasized.” If wingback used to focus on the role of defender in the past, now he has a lot more offense talks. 메이저놀이터

Lee Chun-soo said, “The reason why Gangwon’s performance is good is because Hwang Mun-ki. The team that performs well in the world has just come up with a good side wingback. The national team’s wingback has not yet felt like a generational change. Lee Myung-jae came late and is old. Wingback should have good defense and good crosses. Lee Young-pyo also had good legs, but his cross was weak.”

Commentator Jang Ji-hyun said, “There should be many wingbacks who can advance to overseas leagues like Seol Young-woo.”

In the end, soccer players should learn from the current trend of modern soccer tactics. “Even the elected ones will not be criticized this much if they hear (external) opinion,” Lee said. “The elected ones should follow the trend of the times. Fans, experts and elected officials should join together. Soccer players should become adults first.”

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