Samsung Youth Secondary School’s Lee Seung-ho “My role model is ‘Slam Dunk’ Chuchi Soo”

This article was originally published in the April 2023 issue of Basket Korea Webzine. The interview for this article was conducted on March 11, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. (purchase link to Basket Korea Webzine).

Lee started playing basketball late. He first picked up a basketball in September 2022, when he was in the sixth grade, but his growth has been remarkable. He gradually expanded his radius from the low post to the high post.
Lee’s progress was the result of a thorough analysis. He identified his strengths and weaknesses and worked on them with personal training 메이저사이트.
Lee was born in 2010 and his role model is Chae Chi-soo from the basketball comic “Slam Dunk,” which first appeared in 1990. “I want to emulate Chae Chi-soo’s leadership in leading Beishan,” he said.

Please introduce yourself.
I’m 14-year-old Lee Seung-ho. I play for the Samsung Thunders youth team in Seoul.

How have you been doing lately?
I recently injured my ankle. I sprained it while playing basketball with my dad and neighbors, so I haven’t been able to play much, but I’ve been playing basketball in my neighborhood, working out at the gym or school, and going to clubs.

How did you start playing basketball?
I started playing basketball later than my peers. I started in September 2022. I grew a lot in the sixth grade. I got taller and fatter, so I started playing basketball to lose weight.

Did you succeed?
I didn’t lose a lot of weight, but I became more balanced.

What is your playing style?
In the past, I used to play mainly from the perimeter. Recently, I’ve been practicing in the high post. I catch the ball in the high post and try to drive, pass, and even shoot mid-range jumpers. After receiving guidance from my coach, I practiced a lot on my own.

Why did you expand your radius?
My strength is playing under the basket, and I use my height well, but when I was only trying to shoot under the basket, I got bored of it. I wanted to do other things, and I got greedy for different plays, so I started practicing.

What kind of year was 2022 for you?
I learned a lot, I got better, I played a lot of tournaments, and I learned a lot from them. I finished second twice and third once.
In the last one, we lost in the finals. I’ve improved a lot. It’s the last one before 2022, so it’s more fun and more enjoyable.
I’ve only been playing basketball for a short time, so it felt good to be runner-up. On the flip side, it also made me realize that I need to improve, because I felt I had a lot to work on.

I’m also curious about your role models.
Chae Chi-soo from Slam Dunk is my role model. She’s really good in the cartoon. She’s a center like me, and her playing style is similar to mine. It’s an old cartoon, so the role of a center is classic, but I like that. I also like Chae Chi-soo’s silent atmosphere, and I want to emulate her leadership of the team. I also watched the movie The First Slam Dunk recently, so I think of Chae Chi-soo more.

Do you have a favorite athlete?
Lately, I like Stephen Curry (Golden State Warriors) because he’s so strong, and it’s cool that he can shoot a three-pointer from such a long distance and it still goes in.

What does basketball mean to Lee?
It’s the only way I can think of nothing for a while. When I was upset, I went out to the neighborhood to play basketball, and when I played, I couldn’t think of anything. It relieved a lot of stress.

What goals do you have for the future?
I want to be tall and thin for the same reasons I started playing basketball, I want to have a nice body shape and be a happy person who is healthy and plays a lot of basketball. And when I grow up, I want to be a physical education instructor, just like my club coach who teaches me.

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