Yoon Young-gil, a professor at the Korea Sports University who worked directly at the KFA, said, “The Football Association seems to have forgotten the responsibility of power.”


“The KFA seems to have forgotten the responsibility of power.”

The Korea Sports Journalists Association held a policy debate with Jeong Yeon-wook, a member of the National Assembly’s Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee, at 2 p.m. on the 2nd at the National Assembly Hall in Yeouido under the theme of “The Present and Future of Korean Soccer (urgent diagnosis of pending issues such as the process of appointing a national team coach).”

The policy debate began with a presentation by Yoon Young-gil, a professor at the Korea National University of Sports. Yoon started the presentation on the theme of “Korea’s soccer under constant pressure, and the speed of escape.” “The biggest change in the Korean soccer community is the 2002 World Cup,” he said. “Korean soccer is more equal to the 2002 World Cup. Still, the Korean soccer community is sticking to the method of success 20 years ago.”

“The 2002 World Cup marked a quantum leap forward in Korean soccer. However, more than 20 years have passed since the leap forward, and Korean soccer is now stuck at a quantum leap forward,” he said. “All kites that were prevalent in Korean soccer were excluded under Hiddink. This is a way for the Korean archery community to select representative players.”

He also mentioned the appointment of Hong Myung-bo. “The KFA’s statement that the appointment of a national team coach would be criticized no matter who he brings is extremely common sense,” Yoon said. “The replacement of Klinsmann had to urgently limit the pool of leaders that the KFA could contact. The essence of the issue is a structural issue that failed to secure genetic diversity.”

On fostering leaders, he also said, “We need to reflect on whether there have been systematic efforts to foster leaders. The structure is unstable even for national teams and full-time leaders by age. We should no longer talk about there being no leaders. It is not that there is no leader, but that we have not been able to raise leaders, and a system to raise leaders should be established on that basis.”

He also pointed out the collapse of the KFA’s governance. “KFA has power. Most of them can exercise power over their partners. However, KFA seems to have forgotten its responsibility for power. The Korea Football Association should look back on the bureaucracy of its employees and organizations. The story that the KFA chairman got to know the coach at the technical committee’s press conference overlaps with the process of deciding who will represent the archery team,” he stressed.

He also strongly criticized the direction in which players should be nurtured. “The system and method of fostering players need to be reviewed,” Professor Yoon said. “The evaluation criteria should be diversified so that the Golden Age can be supplemented and the goal of the competition for nurturing players can be reorganized into growth rather than performance, and reflected in their advancement and career paths.” 메이저사이트

“In order to flexibly cope with changes in players due to social changes, it is necessary to share visions and operate educational programs to strengthen the relationship with the national team for players. In addition, the government should strengthen education, fair evaluation system, and performance-linked compensation system to prevent management of employees and strengthen the professionalism of referees,” he added.

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