“It’s new to me.” Two years ago, the “Winning Member” battery, Han Hwa-seo’s “Impressed Reunion.”


Lee Tae-yang and Lee Jae-won, who had eaten in the SSG Landers, met again in Hanwha Eagles uniforms.

Pitcher Lee Tae-yang transferred to the SK Wyverns in a trade in the 2020 season, played as an integrated winning member of the SSG Landers in the 2022 season, and then became an FA qualification and returned to the “friendly team” Hanwha. Catcher Lee Jae-won was on the verge of retirement after the 2023 season, and the two who played together in Incheon will be reunited in Daejeon.

Thursday was the day when the two hit batteries for the first time in a long time, although the bullpen session was held on Friday. Lee Tae-yang threw the ball and Lee Jae-won received the ball at Hanwha’s spring camp in Melbourne, Australia. After the bullpen session, the two players talked and checked various issues.

Lee Tae-yang said, “I’ve never been able to do it with Jae-won since I came to the camp, but I purposely did it with Jae-won today. It’s not 100% of the time, but I wanted to feel the difference between 2022’s ball and the current ball, so I did it together, but I felt new maybe because I didn’t know that I would do it with Jae-won in Hanwha.”

Lee Tae-yang is glad to see veteran Lee Jae-won join again. “Before the contract was signed, Jae-won called me first and told me that he had a positive thing to talk about with Hanwha. So, we said, “Of course, it’s good for you to come, because you can’t ignore the experience, so it’ll be very helpful and I’ll be very good, too.” Later, when the contract was signed, I contacted him again saying, “I look forward to your kind cooperation.”

Lee Jae-won said, “I was depressed and didn’t look good, regardless of whether I was good or bad at baseball. People around me helped me a lot, but I had a really hard time. I was also having a hard time, but people around me struggled a lot,” adding, “I got a lot brighter (after I came to Hanwha), and I look happy at the baseball stadium.” When I hear that, I feel happy, too.”

Lee Tae-yang said the same thing. “He didn’t say a lot of good luck on purpose when he came to Hanwha. But when I was at SSG, Jaewon said he looked dark because of a tough time, and he said he wanted to bring his bright side to the team.” 라바카지노도메인

Since the two players who won the championship have met again, they hope to enjoy the joy of autumn baseball again with that energy. “Getting to meet Jae-won again brings back memories of that time. I think there is good energy,” Lee said. Kang-min and Lee Myung-ki also have several championship rings. I hope our players feel the same joy with that good energy.”

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