Perfect Game Pitcher Treated for Alcoholics Reveals “Still Drinking” Controversy


A pitcher who has been treated for alcoholism has been drinking alcohol since then. Even if it is not a major leaguer, it will be controversial.

Domingo Hermann (31), a right-hander, said in an interview reported on “ ” on the 26th (Korea time) that “I drink when I want, but I have no problem. I can live without alcohol for 1-2 months.”

He was treated for alcoholism last year. A member of the New York Yankees, he chose to be hospitalized for alcoholism treatment in August last year and ended the season as it was.

During the season, he was the master of a disturbance by throwing away furniture and smashing TVs in the clubhouse.
“I didn’t drink that day,” he said, insisting the clubhouse rampage wasn’t a boozy affair. “I had a few drinks the night before. But there was no aftermath. I remember exactly what I did,” he claimed.

The full story of the incident is as follows. Hermann was canceled due to arm pain and a home game against the Tampa Bay Rays on July 31. He was sluggish in four games after pitching in the perfect game at an away game in Oakland on June 28.

Johnny Brito, who was called up for the game that day, started instead, but he was sluggish with five runs in four innings, followed by Hermann and five scoreless innings.

Feeling hopeless at this situation, he drank that night to soothe it.

It was the next day that he got into trouble. Hermann was playing music loudly in the clubhouse. Then, a colleague asked him to turn down the music when his teammate (pitcher Ron Marinacio) was demoted to the minor league the previous day, and a fight broke out during the process.

“It was a dark day in my life. I couldn’t control my emotions,” he said, expressing regret. “It was a really stupid situation. No one told me that my appearance was canceled the day before. I didn’t have any bad feelings for Marina. I didn’t mean to insult anyone. That was why I was angry. I was angry because I was seen as someone who was rude to other colleagues,” he continued.

If it wasn’t for drinking, why was he treated for alcoholism?

“The Yankees tried not to pay me,” he said, claiming that he was forced to receive treatment to receive money. At the time, he had $870,000 of his $2.6 million annual salary remaining. 밤알바

“I was told I would be there for a month. My wife and family urged me to go. They reminded me that they needed money. They told me, “When I go there, I’ll feel better and I’ll get paid,”” Herman said, explaining why he chose to treat alcoholism.

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