이강인, 앞으로 파르크 데 프랭스에서 못 뛸 수도…PSG 회장 “경기장 사려고 몇 년 허비, 이제 떠나고 싶다”


Lee Kang-in’s team Paris Saint-Germain is likely to leave its home stadium, Parc des Princes.

French media “L’Equipe” reported on the 9th (Korea time), “Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) President Naser Al-Khelaifi announced that PSG will leave Parc des Princes after the UEFA Executive Committee this Thursday (local time).”

“This is a statement that will have an explosive impact on PSG supporters. PSG President Al-Khelaifi, who attended the UEFA Executive Committee, shared his story about the home stadium,” the media said.

“It’s too easy now to say you can’t buy a stadium. We know what we want. We wasted years buying a stadium. Now that it’s over, we want to get out of the Parc des Princes,” Al-Khelaifi said.

In the meantime, PSG has wanted to expand the stadium. Currently, the Parc des Princes has a capacity of around 47,000. PSG wanted to increase the capacity to 60,000. PSG decided that it was inevitable to take over the stadium in order to move as planned.

However, the city has no intention of selling the stadium. Paris Mayor An Hidalgo said in January that he would not sell it. However, the city had no intention of repairing old facilities in the city.

“I don’t want Parc des Princes to be sold to Qatar. If I rent an apartment, the responsibility lies with me. So if there is anything that needs to be done in the stadium, PSG has to pay for it,” said David Belliard, vice mayor of Paris.

“I believe that PSG has enough funds to invest in the Parc des Princes. As a representative of Paris, I am against the sale of stadiums for private interests in any case,” he claimed.

In the end, PSG gave up. Chairman Al-Khelaifi has publicly declared that he will “leave.” But the city of Paris wants another way except to sell. 라바카지노

“There is another solution,” Pierre Rabadan, a sports agent for the Paris market, said, according to local media in France. “The door is still open. There is no sale, but there is another solution.”

Parc des Princes has been used as PSG’s home stadium since 1974. As a UEFA-designated Category 4 stadium, it is possible to play the top-ranked European tournament, including the final of the UEFA-hosted tournament. After two additions since its opening in 1897, it has established itself as it is now.

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