Beckham wait! Southampton Free Kick Specialist, ‘Aiming for No. 1 in the EPL’


When will David Beckham’s record be broken?

Beckham is known for his mastery of free kicks. He showed off his presence by scoring and assisting with his tremendous kicking power. 카지노사이트

Beckham’s excellent free-kick ability earned him the nickname of a dead-ball specialist.

Beckham played the English Premier League (EPL) stage through Manchester United and scored 18 goals from free kicks. is the highest record.

There is a player who is closely chasing after Beckham. It’s Southampton’s James Ward-Prowse.

Ward-Prowse fascinated the EPL with his sharp kicking power. He is showing his prominence to the extent that he belongs to the top division in the cross section. In particular, he is a master of free kicks.

He recently led his team to a 2-1 victory by scoring a free kick in the 20th round of the EPL against Everton.

Ward-Prowse has scored 16 goals from free kicks in the Premier League. Even Beckham’s score in first place is only two goals.

Ward-Prowse is still demonstrating excellent free-kick ability, so it seems only a matter of time before Beckham’s record is broken.

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