Football Association executives deliver ‘suspicion of bribery’, start fact-finding


On the 7th, a piece of ‘study letter’ was delivered to the Korea Football Association (Soccer Association). It was a letter containing the accusation of ‘suspicion of bribery’ by Mr. A, an executive of the Football Association.

‘My Daily’ obtained this essay exclusively. According to the letter, Mr. A took a large amount of money and valuables in exchange for the players going to school and joining a professional team. He has received money from various players on several occasions. The name of the player and the amount were specifically written, and the amount ranged from tens of thousands of won to as many as hundreds of millions of won. 스포츠토토

In the letter, the voice said, “Who will believe and follow Mr. A, who took money and valuables while intervening as a broker under the pretext of numerous players going on to school and joining?” also contains

A’s allegations have not yet been proven. The Football Association plans to quickly find out the truth. It was decided to convene an executive countermeasures meeting on the 8th. After deciding which process and method to start the fact-finding investigation in earnest, we plan to call in Mr. A for a face-to-face investigation.

An official from the Football Association said, “This document has been officially received. As soon as it was received, the Football Association executives shared it. We will hold an executive countermeasure meeting on the 8th. At this meeting, we will decide what procedure to proceed with.” .

He continued, “Fact-finding may be conducted immediately after the meeting. According to the procedure, face-to-face inquiries may be made to Mr. A. We will investigate the matter and confirm the facts. If there is any suspicion, it will be decided whether to refer it to the Fair Commission later.” .

On the 7th, the letter was delivered to the Football Association, but rumors about Mr. A’s alleged bribery and the existence of the letter had already spread in the football world. ‘My Daily’ was able to hear Mr. A’s position on the suspicion of bribery on the 6th.

Mr. A said, “I also heard it through Kadera communication. I did not see the letter. I do not know what it contains. I am in a situation where I cannot answer right now. I will definitely check it out. I’ll give it a thought,” he said.

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