“I want to put it down” after the league’s most losses…Director Lee Jung-hyo and Gwangju’s “Storm Eve”


Currently, the situation at Gwangju FC with coach Lee Jung-hyo is like the eve of the storm.

Gwangju, which played the 19th round of Hana Bank’s K League 1 2024 at Suwon Stadium on the 25th, lost 0-1 to Suwon FC. As Jung Seung-won lost a point in the 30th minute of the second half, Gwangju lost two consecutive games following the match against Hana Citizen in Daejeon.

Gwangju seemed to have managed to overcome the crisis this season. After losing six games in a row after winning two games in the first half of the season, the team seemed to have lost its glory last season, but it started to build a win again by taking proactive measures such as changing striker Heo Yul to center back.

However, the balance that Becca had in hand since the match against Daejeon last weekend has been broken. Becca scored the first goal in the first half of the match against Daejeon, which was fiercely contested by penalty shoot-out in the Korea Cup, but Byun Joon-soo, who was key in defense, suffered an injury in the 30th minute of the first half, and his overall performance started to deteriorate. Eventually, he allowed Chun Sung-hoon an equalizer in the 24th minute of the second half, and even made a come-from-behind goal in the 5th minute of extra time, failing to continue momentum for his third consecutive win in all tournaments.

Ahead of the match against Suwon FC, coach Lee said, “We lost a lot of games” against Daejeon. It was not simply because Byun Jun-su was injured for eight weeks, but because he did not have a high level of completion in terms of performance and missed the opportunity to leap from the middle to the top due to poor results. Coach Lee, who said he stressed “consistency” by telling the players to become strong ahead of this match, had a nuance throughout the press conference that Gwangju should show a different appearance.

However, Gwangju did not look any different. In some ways, the team was inferior to the Daejeon match. It occasionally created threatening attack opportunities, but overall, the team lacked some points compared to its good performance last season or this season. Gwangju, which eventually missed a chance to score, dribbled the ball into the center in the 30th minute of the second half, Kang Sang-yoon and Kim Joo-yeop connected the ball to Jung Seung-won with successive passes, and failed to properly block Suwon FC’s attack until Jung Seung-won shot, allowing a run. This continued to lead to Gwangju’s second consecutive defeat, which accumulated the most losses in the K League 1 this season with 11 losses in the league.

After the game, coach Lee made explosive remarks as if he had made up his mind. From the beginning, he said, “Gwangju fans came to support us a lot, and we were not good enough to cheer for them. The players only played that much. 토토사이트 I have nothing to say to the fans. I think I just played the game. I played meaningless soccer. I felt a lot from today’s game,” he said, unable to contain his anger.

I heard the remarks in person and couldn’t believe them. The following is a list. “I have a lot of bubbles as well, and the players have bubbles as well. The club should also know that it was a miracle to finish third in the ACL (Asian Champions League) last year.” “I’m sorry to the fans, but I wish the club would put it down. A miracle has to happen to avoid direct relegation.” “I think the players have no choice but to be complacent because there is no recruitment for summer.” “Unfortunately, young players’ attachment to the team disappears little by little because of rumors of a transfer.” “Studying at cafes from 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. is not enough for the players. I will take care of my health and adapt myself to the players and the club in a relaxed manner.” “If I go to the playoffs and survive dramatically, I want to congratulate the players.” “I wonder what positive energy should I give to the players.”

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