Korea raises possibility of hosting 2023 AFC Annual Awards… 2024 AFC General Assembly is also held


The Korea Football Association appears to be seeking to host the 2023 AFC Manual Awards, a festival dedicated to Asian soccer stars. Middle Eastern media mentioned the possibility of Korea hosting the event. Also mentioned is the possibility of hosting the AFC General Assembly.

On the 22nd, the Middle East media “Al-Ayam” reported that AFC recently held the third AFC Working Bureau meeting in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in the presence of AFC President Salman bin Ibrahim to deal with various issues. AFC formed a working group on reform at the meeting to help AFC realize its best administrative power and issued a statement of support to the Palestinian Football Association, which recently faced a war with Israel.

One of the issues addressed here was selecting the host country for the 2023 AFC Annual Awards and the 2024 AFC General Assembly. According to Al Ayam, surprisingly, Korea has come forward as the host country for the two events. Al Ayam reported, “We considered selecting the Korea Football Association (KFA) for hosting two events, the 2023 AFC Annual Awards and the 2024 General Assembly.”

The AFC Manual Awards, established in 1994 and boasting a history of about 30 years, is the most prestigious award ceremony in Asian soccer. Many awards are given to players and leaders who have performed best in various fields, including AFC Player of the Year and AFC International Award, and the AFC Affiliate Association for their excellent administrative power. At the 2022 AFC Manual Awards held in Doha, Qatar on October 31, Kim Min-jae won the AFC International Award of the Year.

Recently, AFC has held the AFC Manual Awards in a country other than Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where its headquarters are located. The 2019 AFC Manual Awards took place in Hong Kong, and as mentioned earlier, the 2022 event took place in Qatar. In 2014, it was held in the Philippines. 월카지노

AFC and the Korea Football Association have yet to officially announce the hosting of the AFC Manual Awards in Korea, but if the event is held in Korea, it will be a very good opportunity in that it is an opportunity to increase the diplomatic power of the Korea Football Association in Asia, which has been under fire.

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