‘Shock!’ Following Juventus, Napoli is also subject to investigation…”Suspicion of manipulating the transfer fee of Osimen”


Recently, Serie A is abuzz with Juventus’ point cut. However, Kim Min-jae’s team, Napoli, cannot be relieved. The next audit target is Naples.

Italian media ‘Tuto Napoli’ quoted a report by ‘Le Pubblica’ on the 22nd (Korean time), saying, “Napoli is also accused of illegal book gains. We will ask for documents.”

FIGC has been audited since 2021, and in the process, it was discovered that Juventus had manipulated the accounting books. It was revealed that the player intentionally inflated the transfer fee to reduce the amount of loss and took unfair advantage.

In response, the FIGC handed Juventus a 15-point penalty. Naturally, Juventus’ competition for the Serie A title became impossible. Juventus continues to protest, but there is a high possibility that it will not be accepted. 토토사이트

However, Napoli, which is leading the league, was also included in the audit. ‘Tuto Napoli’ noted that “Federal Prosecutor Giuseppe Chine will soon request from the Naples Prosecutor’s Office documents of an investigation into fraudulent accounting involving president Aurelio De Laurentiis and other top executives of the club.”

The problem was when Osimen moved from Lille to Napoli. At the time, it is suspected that Napoli manipulated the books and made illegal profits.

Even if the allegations surrounding Napoli are true and they are given a point-reduction penalty like Juventus, this season is unlikely to be significantly affected.

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