Rich Hill, who joined the 13th team “I heard that my name is popular in the game?” 


Veteran Rich Hill (43), who joined his 13th team, the San Diego Padres, shared his feelings.

In an interview ahead of the home game against the Los Angeles Dodgers at Petco Park in San Diego, California on the 6th (Korean time), Hill said, “It’s nice to see familiar faces. This is a team with tremendous talent. I hope I can do something special here,” he said of his feelings about moving to San Diego.

Hill, who is in his 19th season in the major leagues this year, was recently traded from the Pittsburgh Pirates to San Diego. This trade brought him with his 13th team.토토사이트

He said, “I heard that my name is famous in Immaculate Grid (baseball trivia game). He hasn’t played the game, but I’ve heard his name comes up often,” he said, adding that he knows he’s made a name for himself as one of the players who went through several teams.

Looking back at the past teams, saying, “It was a lot of fun,” he said, “I have high expectations for this team and we will see what they can do. He was told that it was a team that could score anytime on the offensive side. My job is to digest meaningful innings, and eventually catch an out,” he said, expressing his determination.

Having visited Petco Park as an away team player in the past, he said, “Every time I came, I could see the enthusiasm of the San Diego fans. This is a city hungry for the goal of winning the World Series,” he said, expressing his desire to contribute to San Diego’s championship challenge.

Hill, who has gone through many trades since being traded from the Chicago Cubs to the Baltimore Orioles in February 2009, says it’s “part of the business,” but “we’re players and family at the same time. As the players get older, the family grows too,” he said, regretting that the trade reduced his time with his family. At the same time, he cited “expectation and excitement to be able to play in October” as an advantage.

He then explained that he was exchanging influences with various players while traveling to various clubs, saying, “I am influencing other players while moving from one club to another, and I am being influenced by other players at the same time.”

His new team, San Diego, is currently competing for the rankings. When asked what the team needed to make it to the postseason, he explained, “I need to understand what the task at hand is and think less about the consequences of every moment, every pitch.”

“The biggest factor that brings teammates closer is victory, but there is something that makes a player’s ability bigger that doesn’t come out in scouting reports or data analysis. This is a very big factor,” he said, emphasizing the importance of factors that are not revealed in the records of teams that last a long time in the postseason.

“You will need to adjust to a new team and your family will need to adjust to a new city,” said coach Bob Melvin. In this process, the place where he feels most comfortable is probably on the mound,” he said, expressing expectations for Hill.

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