The heavy rain that caused sighing and the remaining games that were approaching heavily were resolved by the KT stadium management team… This is also infrastructure


 It moved faster than a sudden storm. At the end of the third inning, when the referee signaled a rain stop, the team ran out as if they had already prepared and started setting up a large tarp. Although it was difficult to install the tarpaulin due to strong winds and rain, all members of the KT Stadium management team held on tightly to the tarpaulin to protect the infield. This is Suwon KT Wiz Park around 7:44 pm on the 5th.토스카지노

With quickness and patience, he saved a game that seemed like it would disappear. The cloud that canceled the game at Jamsil Stadium moved to Suwon and poured heavy rain at Suwon KT Wiz Park. With heavy rain pouring down as if a typhoon was approaching, the possibility of no game in the rain seemed high.

As a result, the KT stadium management team’s quick response prevented a no-game due to rain. By quickly installing a tarpaulin on the infield, ground maintenance time was minimized. The referees also watched the weather forecast and did not wait just 30 minutes as required.

Referee Chairman Heo Woon said, “The Suwon referees reported that they were waiting for more than 30 minutes. “They said it looked like the rain would stop and that they would prepare to resume the game once it stopped,” he said. “They said the rain had stopped about 40 minutes after the game was stopped.” When I asked how long it would take to restore the ground, I was told it would take about an hour to an hour and a half. “So, I told them to restore the ground but decide to cancel if it rains again,” he said, looking back on the situation at the time.

It took a little over an hour to restore the ground. It took a total of 104 minutes from the rain stoppage to the resumption of the game, and the game proceeded safely until the 9th inning. If a no-game has been hastily declared due to rain, this game will be held on October 2nd. In this case, LG will play a 7-game series from September 26 to October 2, and KT will play a 9-game series including a double header from October 1 to 8. Both teams could not help but sigh deeply as they looked at the heavy rain.

Chairman Heo said that the KT Stadium management team, which quickly installed a tarpaulin, played a significant role in resuming the game. He said, “The people managing the KT stadium did a really good job. If it is even a little late and the soil gets wet, it will take a really long time to recover. When the soil becomes mud, you must dig it up and lay down new soil. “This process takes a lot of time,” he said.

Thanks to the KT Stadium management team’s quick installation of a tarpaulin, the ground soil was safe despite the heavy rain. After the rain stopped, the stadium management team only removed the rainwater that had accumulated on the tarpaulin. While the rainwater was being removed, the water that had accumulated on the lawn drained naturally.

Baseball infrastructure is not limited to the number of players, systems, and facilities. The stadium management team’s accurate judgment and speed are also infrastructure. Thanks to this, over 10,000 spectators who visited Suwon KT Wiz Park were able to enjoy the game until the end.

Every year around this time, there is a lot of talk about the remaining game schedule. There are always teams that express their dissatisfaction with the burdensome number of games. The answer is already out there. If you monitor the weather situation from the beginning of the season and wait patiently for the rain to stop, you can resume at least 2 or 3 games like Suwon on the 5th and continue until the end. The stadium management team can also shorten the time required to restore the ground by quickly installing a large tarp.

The Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) plans to pilot the pitch clock in the Futures League starting in the 2024 season. In other words, it is highly likely that the pitch clock will be applied to the first team stage in the 2025 season. The pitch clock encourages the pitcher to enter the pitching motion within 15 seconds when there are no runners and within 20 seconds when there are runners on base. A pitch clock was applied in the major leagues this season, and game time was innovatively shortened due to the pitch clock. The average game time has decreased by more than 20 minutes, with most games lasting less than 3 hours.

If the game time is shortened, there will be more time to decide on resuming the game after being suspended due to rain. The end time of the Suwon game on the 5th is 11:31 p.m. The burdensome end time of the game can be brought forward.

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